The VIVO DESK-0000K is a versatile sit-stand solution that lets you effortlessly switch between sitting and standing positions, making it a game-changer for individuals seeking optimal comfort and productivity. Thanks to its user-friendly design, the VIVO DESK-0000K offers easy height adjustments with minimal effort. Simply squeeze the handle on the right-hand side to customize your work height to your liking. This sit-stand solution enables you to maintain a healthy posture and reduce strain on your body while working.
Crafted with high-quality materials, the VIVO DESK-V000K is built to last and can support up to 33 pounds, making it suitable for all of your work essentials. Its spacious desktop provides ample room for your computer, monitor, keyboard, and other work essentials, allowing you to stay organized and focused throughout your workday. Transform your workspace with the VIVO DESK-V000K and experience the benefits of a sit-stand solution that elevates your work experience to new heights.
Ergonow offers installation for this product! Contact us for more information.